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Advanced Javascript Config

Although the main Files config section contains most useful options, there are also several advanced Javascript options available for those who wish to tweak the interface.

The reason these options are separate from the main config:
  1. Avoids cluttering the main config with advanced options that most users don't need.
  2. Advanced nested config logic for Javascript-only options.
  3. Many Javascript options are functions, and need to get declared directly from Javascript.


First, create a Javascript file _files/js/custom.js in your storage_path.


Open the file and include your custom options. In the below example, we are assigning popup image click to zoom images instead of navigating to previous/next.

_c.config = {
popup: {
click: 'zoom', // prev_next, next, zoom

Below is a list of all current options with defaults:

_c.config = {

// custom context menu (dropdown) options
contextmenu: {
rotate: {
text: 'rotate',
// icon name, or include custom icon <path d="..."> value from
icon: 'rotate_right',
condition: (item) => item.browser_image,
// href: (item) => { return item.url_path; },
action: (item) => _h.popup(null, null, null, item.url_path),
// class: 'mybutton'

// download_dir options
download_dir: {
javascript: true, // Use the Javascript downloads API to download zip files
current_dir_only: true, // Only assign download dir button to current directory
use_filter: true, // If there is a search filter, only filtered files will be downloaded

// embed Youtube/Vimeo by linking with .url files
embed: {
enabled: true, // entirely disable embed, .url files will work like normal clickable links
youtube: true, // enable Youtube embed
vimeo: true, // enable Vimeo embed
preview: true, // load preview images from embed source into layout
modal: true, // display video in Files modal on click
params: 'autoplay=1&modestbranding=1', // add optional url parameters to the embedded video

// favicon
// Add your own encoded inline favicon or false to disable / SVG
favicon: "<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='%2337474F' d='M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z' /%3E%3C/svg%3E\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" />",

// history_scroll / attempts to restore scroll position on browser history navigation
history_scroll: true,

// custom language options
lang: {

// assign language menu in topbar / true = all / false = no menu (default)
menu: ['pt', 'en', 'zh'], // Portuguese, English, Chinese

// override or create new languages
langs: {
fr: {
logout: 'déconnexion',
no: {
date: 'dato',
flag: 'no',

// load_svg_max_filesize 100kb / because complex SVG vector files will slow down rendering in browser
load_svg_max_filesize: 100000,

// panorama options
panorama: {
// function to detect panorama equirectangular source file
is_pano: (item) => {
var d = item.dimensions;
// >=2048px && ratio 2:1 with 1% pixel margin
return d[0] >= 2048 && Math.abs(d[0] / d[1] - 2) < 0.01;

// popup options
popup: {
captionEl: true, // show popup caption
caption_hide: true, // Auto-hide popup caption on mouse inactivity
caption_style: 'block', // caption style: block, box, subtitles, gradient, topbar, none
caption_align: 'center-left', // caption align: left, center-left, center, right
click: 'prev_next', // popup click: prev_next, next, zoom
zoomEl: false, // show zoom button
playEl: false, // show slideshow play button
transition: 'glide', // slideshow transition: none, slide, glide, fade, zoom, pop, elastic
play_transition: null, // assign transition for slideshow (same as above). Inherits main transition by default
bgOpacity: .95, // background opacity
play_interval: 5000, // slideshow play interval
loop: true, // loop slideshow
video_autoplay_clicked: true, // autoplay videos when clicked from layout
video_autoplay: false, // autoplay all videos
transitions: { // custom transitions Object
mytransition: function(dir) {
return {
translateX: [10 * dir, 0],
opacity: [.1, 1],
duration: 1000,
easing: 'easeOutQuart'

// theme config
theme: {
themes: ['contrast', 'light', 'dark'], // array of available themes for button switch
default: 'contrast', // default theme when no theme is previously selected
button: true, // allow button to switch themes
auto: true, // allow prefers-color-scheme:dark

// custom page <title> function / below is default
title: (path, name, error, count) => {
return (name || '/') + (error ? '' : ' [' + count + ']');

// uppy uploader interface options
uppy: {
note: 'Upload images only, maximum %upload_max_filesize%',
locale: '', //
DropTarget: false,
Webcam: false, //
ImageEditor: { //
quality: 0.8,
cropperOptions: {},
actions: {},
Compressor: {

// options specific to watermarking images on upload
watermark: {
text: '©Alibaba Photo', // overlay text here, if you don't want to assign per-upload
position: 'bottom-right', // default overlay alignment
interface: false, // disable overlay options from uploader, in which case options from here will always apply
scale: .33, // scale the overlay relative to the image width in fraction of 1 / .33 = 33%
margin: .03, // overlay margin from the image edges when using all positions except 'center' in fraction of 1 / .03 = 3%
font: '10px Futura', // assign a font, which must be available on the device that renders the overlay
fillStyle: 'white', // text fill color / only applies for text
shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.25)', // shadow color
shadowBlur: 10, // shadow blur
globalAlpha: .5, // overlay alpha transparency value
image_src: './path/image.png', // assign an image src from a different location
font_src: '', // assign a font source from a web url